May 29, 2009

Cooking for baby

Everyone is more conscious of what they are eating today. If you are what you eat, any parent would want their children to have the best nutrition. These wonderful things from Williams-Sonoma prove that making your own baby food does not have to be a hassle, or even time consuming! Try this amazing, efficient and easy to clean! I love this little machine, the Beaba Babycook, brilliant and only $149.95
Beaba Multiportion Freezer Trays enable you cook and freeze enough for the week, at only $19.95Cooking for Baby, the go to guide for $19.95


  1. Congratulations, LesPetites on your new blog! .. I like the idea of Beaba BabyCook - having a steamer & food processor in one appliance since I have an older toddler to tend to. Just wish it was bigger and under $100.

  2. Thanks for posting! You are so right, it would be great to be able to make a week or two worth in one batch. Hopefully it is one of those things where over time the price will come down!
